Crypt1c’s LD2L post-season player rankings (Steamed Hams)

4 min readJun 11, 2018


I haven’t written blogs at all this season, mostly because it’s not something I usually do, but I thought it would be interesting doing a post season player rankings post like they do in RD2L. Hopefully the other players get on board with it so I can find out who to poach next season >=D
I’ll mainly be rating players based on their performance, attitude, and team play.

I’ll start with our former captain and carry, Xshal.

Xshal was a pleasure to play with. We’d always joke around in our games and had a lot of fun playing with him. It’s too bad he had to pull a Mother Theresa and save a bunch of starving children in Africa or something. He was a former support trying out carry this season. (come to think of it, the majority of our players were either support or offlane players) It started out rough, but with the help of our coach TruckWaffle, Xshal was able to improve his carry game and I could definitely see some improvement throughout our time in the league. I’m a bit curious what his support play is like though… At times he could get tilted, but he never blamed the team. If anything he would blame himself, even if the losses weren’t his fault. Unfortunately when Xshal is tilted his play goes to shit (sorry buddy), but I think he just needs the right players to help boost his morale and bring that hope back in a tough game. Overall, solid player and I’d play with him again in a heartbeat.


Toaster was our new carry after we lost Xshal. Unfortunately I didn’t get to play a lot with him this season, so it’s hard to give him a ranking. Too many teams forfeit to us and we only played one official series together (our elimination match in the playoffs). I’ll divulge a bit of information here and say that we originally planned to play Io BB in game 1, but I changed my mind last minute because I was more comfortable with oracle. We should have stuck with Io because we played it a couple times before and it went really well. Whoops. Anyway, Toaster is similar to Xshal in several ways. He can get tilted, but again, he doesn’t flame his team. I’d say if I’d had more time to play with him and get to know him, he’d probably be at an 8/10 with Xshal.


Trees was our mid player for this season, and like Xshal, mid wasn’t his primary position. Trees usually plays offlane, but he wanted to give mid a shot this season. His hero pool is pretty small for mid, and that’s probably the only complaint I’ve got here. He did learn a few new heroes while we were playing though, so there was some improvement as well. His signature hero was viper, but personally I think his sniper is more a force to be reckoned with. Trees was another player I clicked with very well. We’ve played quite a few games together at this point (including some PUBG. He’s much better than me) and he can get discouraged, but he doesn’t flame at all, and that’s the number one thing I look for in a teammate. If he’s available next season I’m gonna snag him for my team for sure.


Skynet was our offlane player this season, and he usually performed pretty well most games. I noticed a bit too late how good his void was otherwise I would have picked it more for him sooner. He can be a bit stubborn when discussing drafts, but so am I so what can I say? lol
There were definitely times when I was wrong and his advice while drafting saved us from getting countered pretty hard. I don’t think he adjusted to the 2–1–2 meta very well. He seems to always want a solo lane, and lately it hasn’t been working that well for us. My biggest issue with skynet was although he never flamed his teammates he did get salty if things started going downhill to the point where he would trash talk even during league games. In my opinion being a good sport is very important, especially in a competitive league, and calling other players trash is just not cool no matter how frustrating the game might be. If he can work on his PMA I think he’d be a strong player for any team. I’d even like to see him try more carries because he seemed to do well when we swapped roles.


Dev’s my homie. You could punch him in the face and he’d apologize to you for bruising your knuckles. Incredible PMA (a true support player!), and he had a “never give up” type attitude. He plays a selfless pos 5, which at times let me play a pretty greedy 4, and even with no net worth he could still make plays. His lion and dark willow were both pretty good. He performs pretty well in teamfights, but I think he just needs to work on always making sure he’s doing something important (stacking, zoning, warding, etc.) because sometimes I don’t think he necessarily knows what to do if he’s in a lane where he’s not really able to help. I’d draft him next season, but I don’t think he’s going to be playing.


I enjoyed playing with Swooney, but after Xshal left he kind of disappeared without a trace too. Nobody is really sure what happened there. He usually played mid, so pos 5 was a bit of a new thing for him. I had actually played with him previously on a team a couple years ago so that’s why we ended up drafting him. He’s a fun guy to play with, but not always reliable. I’ve seen him tilt a couple times, but it’s usually pretty rare. If he hadn’t bailed I probably would have rated him higher this season.

So yeah, that’s my blog. Don’t poach my players, and we’ll be back to wreck all you scrubs next season. Crypt1c out!




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