4 min readFeb 20, 2020

Crypt1c’s mid season power rankings

I’ll just preface this by saying that there are still a lot of newer LD2Lers that I’ve never played against so my judgement may be skewed. That being said, these power rankings are taken from the site and based entirely on current results. I’m only going to give a brief overview of each team and provide my own thoughts. I’ll be sticking with the fast food theme for this so buckle up…

Whataburger Tier

Lotus for POTUS

No surprise here. While I don’t think lotus is more skilled than a lot of mids in the league, he is definitely more diverse. The fact that you have to worry about more than just a few heroes means your draft game needs to be on point or you’ll get cheesed by some dumb shit like arc or brood. This team also has 2 very PMA support players with limited pools which makes banning against them a pain in the ass. Do you ban the hero spamming supports or do you ban lotus cheese heroes? I’m not familiar with this itachi guy but from what I’ve seen the dude seems to be killing it, so maybe he has some ban worthy heroes too. A well deserved #1 team if you ask me.

Hat kids

The sheer draft stupidity and role swapping in this team gives me a headache. It’s a team full of memers, but that seems to be the glue that holds them together. Drafting against them could get really confusing which makes it difficult to really secure an advantageous matchup. Just remember to ban maniac storm unless you want to hear about it in #league chat for the next couple weeks.


Goon Squad

The only person on this team that I recognize is quill. All I know is you must be super sweaty to pick slardar grim in more than 1 game. Shame on you guys. Their p1 seems to be a pretty solid luna player and their drafts tend to lean towards mid game deathball. If you can prevent them from pushing high ground your chances of winning in the late game increase substantially.

Five Guys Tier


We played these guys week 1 and I’m still not sure what to think. If we were to do so again I’m confident we could beat them, but at the time we got 2-0ed. Their bread and butter seems to be a combination of meta picks and heroes with simple execution, and their cores prefer ranged heroes. Be on the lookout for viper, sniper, drow, slardar and lich. Psychic seems to be better than I expected, but I hear he has a case of verbal diarrhea.

Bernie Sunders

This team has a few OGs on it, and honestly I expected a bit better from them. Gavprint seems to be inconsistent, going from stomping a game as MK to losing a favorable matchup (TA vs storm), and I’m sure nobody has allowed him to play his signature meepo yet. Idk tlis, but it seems like he needs to learn to play a few heroes who fight earlier, because picking AM and dusa in this meta is a recipe for disaster.


King Cael seems to be the weak link here, which is more or less what you’d expect when putting a low guardian player in a core position. That being said, it looks like the rest of the team has made up for that. My advice to this team is if you’re going to put a lower ranked player in a core position, give them something that can have impact after the lane is lost. A 0/5 bristleback is useless. A 0/5 tidehunter can still win a fight for his team with a good ravage.

McDonald’s Tier

Carl Jr’s

I don’t really have a lot to say about this team. I hear waffz is pretty good, but I don’t have enough experience with him to know for sure. Loiloi seems pretty decent, but korgoth needs to feed less in the offlane if they want the games to go long enough for his PL/AM to actually be a threat.

5 Guys, 1 Hot Grill

This team could easily be upper middle if not top tier if onegu would swallow his pride and role swap with orf. There’s really nothing else to say here.

Teddy Crispin’s Revenge

Despite narrowly losing game 2 to this team I was a bit disappointed with their performance. They have some strong players individually, but it seems like they haven’t quite been able to mesh as a team. It looks like they were simply outdrafted a bit in their other series, but when you draft a lane dominator like LC you tend to expect better results than 0/7.

DOTA Rehab

Now I get to critique my own team. While we are far from top tier, I do think we have made some progress as far as teamwork goes since our first series and personally I’d label us mid tier; but time will tell. Despite everyone’s predictions our team is actually pretty non toxic. If I don’t shit the bed in the draft phase (calling for a BB pick with viper in the pool) I think we can definitely make a comeback.


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