Crypt1c’s mid season review
So I suppose it’s time for the review I promised. I got a bit busy so I won’t be making memes for everyone. Sorry fam. Anyway here goes…
(This list is based off of the league dotabuff, not my own opinion on power rankings)
12. Al Borland’s Salty Sea Dogs (Mous)
We scrimmed these guys today and went 1–1 (of course). I think the only reason we lost game 1 was because they had choco god stand in for one of their lower rated players. They put him on silencer and his globals won them several fights. I’m really not sure what they’re lacking, but hopefully they figure it out before playoffs or they won’t make it.
11. Schooner? I hardly know ‘er! (luth)
Not much to say about this team. My opinion hasn’t changed much since the beginning of the league. Their team is vulnerable to tilting, and their record shows. They tied mous and choco, but I think it’s mostly because choco drafts like the kid in elementary school that eats glue. We have yet to play them.
10. Team no fear (choco)
So I looked at some of their games and I see what people mean about choco’s drafts. Picking meepo into a SK and ember? For some reason Luth let them get away with the perfect drow draft in game 2, and the results show. Those picks should have been incredibly easy to predict. Still a strong team if choco decides to take things seriously before finals.
9. James hook was a saint (bubbles)
I’m just going to guess that the results from this team are based on bubbles’ inability to shot call effectively. This is just a guess however, I’ve actually never played this team. Looking at their past games I think bubbles usually wins the draft, so I’m not sure why they’re performing poorly
8. Pirate mental attitude (me)
Go ahead and ban Atifex heroes… you’ll still never know who’s in what lane until we lock in our characters.
7. Generic pirate name (chest)
The only series where I’ve performed poorly both games. They seem to be about as strong as us, but they like drafting high single target burst heroes, so WW is an easy pick vs them. Not much else to say… gavprint seems to be pretty strong.
6. Queen cerys’s revenge (cerys)
I think duckonquack is an overrated player. I’m not denying that he’s good, but I don’t think he’s as good as everyone else says he is. I guess we’ll find out on sunday. The team as a whole seems really solid though and I think they’ll put up a good fight.
5. 2 ramzes 3 pirates (lego)
Lego will tell you he’s a god but don’t let him fool you. Venuz is the one really carrying this team. Nothing against the other players, but they’ve managed to pull some unpredictable wins against stronger teams because venuz shows up and murders everyone. They’re stronger than I initially thought, but still not a top tier team.
4. Kunkka admiral’s crew (Hollywood)
We played 1 game against this team and lost. I’d say they’re about as strong as Cerys’s team. I think we can all expect a lot out of agony, and to a lesser extent mosborne. I’d focus more on shutting down mosborne than agony though. If he has a bad game he’ll be unable to create enough space for agony to get the farm he needs. Mosborne was what enabled agony to pull ahead and beat us.
3. I’m too cool for a pirate team name (Kyrix)
I’m not familiar with rock at all, but it seems like he is the venuz of this team. Elusive’s results (other than the first week) really aren’t impressive, and while 1paz is insane, he’s playing 5 so he can’t just solo win the game for them. I’m not sure what else to say, we haven’t played this team either.
2. Release the kraken (midorchen)
This team is much stronger than I initially predicted. Every player on the team is a force to be reckoned with. So far we have been the only team to take a game off of them. High chance of being in playoffs.
1. I’m too cool for a pirate team name ep. 2 (Inno)
I’m actually terrified of donkey punch. I was looking at some of the results and this guy’s KDA is 11.13. What in the actual fuck? They haven’t even played kyrix yet so I can’t even blame that on Elusive. Top ranking is to be expected for the top rated team in the league (medal wise). I can’t wait to see who will be the first to take a game off of them. At this rate it’ll probably be lego.