Crypt1c’s power rankings

3 min readMay 6, 2019


I’ll keep it short and sweet

Lower Division

  1. Teddy Crispin’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (Dusty)
    I was pretty convinced before the draft even started that whichever team got the white joel birch would be top tier for lower division. I still don’t think I’m wrong. Solty may get some shit for his behavior, but he’s solid as well. Very strong team.

2. P. Slark, 42 Wildwing Way, Dark Reef (Luchs)
Luchs is one of the more consistent players in the lower division. He also managed to pick up draiden, apon and whiff who are all pretty value for their medal.

3. The Team (Hollywood)

I’ll be coaching holly’s team this season and he seemed to do pretty well in the draft. In the pool is one of the better core players and I really think woh is a value support pick.

4. Sven at Work (pvcpipe)

Pvc has drafted a very pma team. Just based on that alone I think they’ll do pretty well. After all, it’s all about having fun.

5. The emus of LD2L desert (Jotham)

I don’t know a couple of Jotham’s picks, and I’m really not a fan of gotham at all, but I think Jotham alone can carry them to top 5. I’d suggest someone else shot calls though.

6. Blobs Down Under (M1trakos)

I’m not really sure what to say about this team. I don’t know many of the players. Tlis seems like an ok carry player from what I’ve seen.

7. delightful prairie-dog(USDanny)

Danny is good. I haven’t played enough with any of his teammates to really know much else.

8. Kangaroo Slacks (Redlegoguy)

This is more of a trainwreck than the last time he captained. At least his S3 team had venuz…
(I could be wrong, I’ve hardly played with any of them)

Upper Division

  1. rad hawk (Lava)
    How lava managed to get donkey, rock and himself I’ll never know. Probably the strongest team simply because of that.

2. Nagas in Paris (Scrub)
A scrub/choco team seems pretty scary assuming choco takes this season seriously. Apex is pretty good too. Never played with beanbaggs but maybe his medal will speak for itself. He drafted orf though, so idk.

3. funkadelic finch (Catsby)
I’m not sure what catsby’s plan is for positions, but he has some solid players and I think he’ll be able to organize it in a way that makes it work.

4. Absolute Juggernauts RELOADED (me)
I tried my best to find players who are native to the role they were chosen for. I don’t want people to play roles they dislike and I spent time looking for players who I think will be able to prevent themselves from tilting.

5. i will destroy choco (Will)

Strong players individually. The positions sort of make sense, although I’m not sure what will himself plays.

6. Exodia (1paz)
Like will and catsby, 1paz picked a bunch of solid players. Unfortunately I have no idea wtf they plan to do for lanes.

7. kryptonian cormorant (Bjorn)

This team (as well as inno’s) could be a sleeper team. Idk any of these players really, but mozza is first round material that somehow made it to third round.

8. Absolute Juggernauts V2 (Inno)
Sorry man. You’re only this low because of fp kisses and the fact that I don’t know shit about any of your other players. Bjorn and Inno teams could easily be higher up the list.




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