Crypt1c’s preseason draft first impressions
With draft day complete I’d like to give my thoughts on power rankings. I won’t rank my own team because I’m biased, but I will say that I am happy with who we have and I think we will be a strong team this season. We’ll start with…
A+ tier
Krug was going to be my first pick if he was available, so I think choco made a good choice there. Latchet is also another player who performs very well. I’m pretty surprised boxes made it that far into the drafting phase, but like others have said I think it’s a nice value pick because he is so new. I haven’t played a ton with the other players but they have a reputation for being pretty solid. This is a top 4 team for sure.
Bubbles kind of flew under the radar able to get some of the first picks each round by keeping his avg medal low. This worked out well for him because not only did he get teekay, but every player on his team is fun to play with. You won’t sink the PMA ship on this team (haha pirate reference I’ll take my $5 now Luth). This team with the exception of teekay is filled with what I would consider B tier picks, and that is what makes it so strong. 5 B tier is better than 2 A tier and 3 D tier, which is what most captains ended up with.
A tier
Drafting against yumi is always cancer. I don’t know if I would have first picked him because generally if he doesn’t get his heroes he isn’t much of a threat, but he also has boh who will force out another obvious ban and caffeinated crusader who is a consistent player in general. Good chance to make grand finals.
First pick agony is alright I suppose. I haven’t played with him a ton. I actually don’t have much experience playing with any of these players. I know that mosborne is decent and I’ve heard a lot of good things about diva d and he ro in, so I’d say this team deserves an A tier rating.
Cerys drafted well this season. She had the same sort of approach as bubbles. I wouldn’t say there are any outstanding players, but there also aren’t any bad players. Overall the general skill level of each player is above average and winning all 3 lanes against this team will be very difficult.
B tier
Kyrix grabbed 1paz before I could. I don’t think I know rock at all, can’t say I’ve ever played with him but I hear he’s from RD2L so he must be decent. He also managed to get elusive (let the memes commence!) I think elusive is a lot of fun to play with, but with how many highly skilled mid players we have this season he might have trouble. Then again I’ve seen him work some magic so I think if he’s in the zone he’ll be fine. I don’t know the other players.
Pretty sure he just went for the highest person on the draft sheet every round. He managed to get donkey punch who is probably the best mid in the league, and also Oc. His inhouse history isn’t impressive by any means, but I don’t think the inhouses do him justice. Oc is a solid player and very PMA. As for the rest of the team… meh.
C tier
I’m probably not giving chen enough credit here. He’s already the best offlaner in the league so he’s got that going for him. He got scrub, who is not only a good player but he has tons of games with chen, so there’s already some synergy. I mostly placed them in C tier because they’re really the only two I know on the team. I guess thrower is sadboys? He seemed pretty decent too. This might be an A tier team disguised as C tier.
I’m gonna be honest, I have absolutely no idea who trooperdown is. Luth also picked up skai who has been losing mmr consistently for years (from what I hear) and he’s also got some issues with PMA, so I don’t agree with that pick either. Trees is a good player and fun to play with as well. I think the real question is “Can Luth keep his teammates from tilting?” I wouldn’t be surprised to see them disband because of internal conflict, regardless of how PMA Luth and trees might be, but I wish them the best.
First pick chest rockwell was VERY questionable. He’s a good player but will this guy even show up to games? Xshal and molski are also good, but I just don’t think this team stacks up against some of the better teams in the league.
Redlegoguy tier
First pick venuz is fine, but I’m not really sure what he was thinking for the rest of it. Maybe they’ll pull through with the power of friendship, but I’m not expecting much.