LD2L Warcraft Edition

2 min readApr 22, 2019


In this blog I will mention the various faces of LD2L (past and present) and explain their warcraft persona.

Teekay: Tirion Fordring

A true crusader of light and possibly one of the most lawfully good people in the warcraft universe

Inno: Illidan Stormrage

A powerful adversary, but driven mad with his pursuit of power. His arrogance will be his downfall

Skai: Arthas Menethil
Tries to do what he thinks is best, but in the end he just turns out to be a real dick

Jotham: Sylvanas Windranger (undead)

Makes some really reckless and questionable decisions

1Paz: Magni Bronzebeard

The king of Ironforge. Has no real enemies, but kind of just sits back and doesn’t intervene

Soltie: Gul’dan

He’s the bad guy and everyone knows it. He brings chaos to Azeroth and to LD2L

Dragostego: Garrosh Hellscream

Reckless and obnoxious. He’s actually a moron

ButteryGreg: Medivh

The guardian of LD2L, eventually driven mad by t̶h̶e̶ ̶f̶e̶l̶ the constant league admin pings by idiots breaking the lobby bots

Venuz: Kargath Bladefist

Actually a psychopath. He will destroy your team single handedly and dance in your blood

Kyrix: Anduin Wrynn

Nobody likes that the little guy is in charge, but that’s just how it is

Atifex: Uther the Lightbringer

A paladin of the silver hand. A symbol of order and discipline from within the league

Brionne: Jaina Proudmoore

Jaina has no real enemies. She is likeable for both horde and alliance (and the autists that play LD2L) and she serves as a strong leader

Yolksoup: Literally anyone that plays a gnome

Some people hate them, but others love the little guys. Yolk is the perfect embodiment of a gnome’s eccentricity

Scrub: Edwin VanCleef

Wronged by the badmins and turned into a villain. A lawful evil character who seeks revenge for his hardships

Hollywood: Grom Hellscream

Chieftain of the Warsong clan. The warsong orcs are known for the horns that they use when marching into battle. In this case, the horn sounds like “YEAH LET’S FUCKING GO!”

Redlegoguy: Hunter players

“That’s a hunter weapon.” In other words, he picks something that’s less than optimal and decides it’s the new meta

Frank stan: Excessive amounts of trash mobs

Not really an issue. More annoying than anything




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