Pirate Mental Attitude Player Review
Well after a good run during the season (and a bit of hypocritical crying from kyrix) PMA has been eliminated from the playoffs. I’ve enjoyed my team this season and look forward to captaining again for my graduation season. Here are my player reviews:
- Crypt1c
I signed up as an offlaner but was forced to adapt for the team. Fortunately for me, a lot of my favorite carries received buffs, so that’s probably the role I’ll play next season. This season allowed me to grow a lot as a captain, and throughout the course of it I was able to climb from legend 1 to legend 4. Good stuff.
2. Dr Flockadre
The voice of reason. Any time I dive tier 2 at 8 mins I’ve got flocka saying “Crypt1c you dumb shit just go farm the lane and leave them” right before I die to a double support rotation. Ok… so that might be a bit dramatic. Flocka doesn’t actually flame, but his insight has been a vital part of the team’s success. He wasn’t afraid to take charge at times, and he plays a solid carry. Also, lifestealer is bad. Sorry man.
3. Atifex the beardbarian
Probably the most PMA player on the team. Atifex never gets tilted, and he’s always the first to say “It’s all good guys, it’s just the first game” after a hard loss. It was pretty funny seeing his axe banned every single game too. I think it was let through maybe 1 time?
Anyway, 5/5 would play with again
4. t0shi
Toshi is another person I enjoy playing with. He’s usually around to stomp some pubs with me, and I think he’s the first player I’ve ever seen build blink on ogre. Between the friendly attitude and the “ye gods,” toshi is a great addition to any team. I think I’d like to see him on more of a core role in the future (maybe offlane) because support was a bit different from his usual pub play style.
5. Galo
I know I said Atifex was the most PMA player on the team, but Galo is a close 2nd. I thought it was interesting that more people didn’t ban support heroes in the league games, because Galo had a few signature heroes that we picked for him and had great success with. In fact, that could be said for all of our support players. He didn’t talk much so I didn’t really get to know him that well but he was a pleasure to play with.
0/5 for stealing all my kills with culling blade
4.5/5 otherwise
6. Y̶e̶s̶,̶ ̶V̶i̶r̶g̶i̶n̶i̶a̶, N̶o̶t̶j̶o̶h̶n̶m̶i̶c̶h̶a̶e̶l̶, D̶a̶v̶i̶d̶ ̶S̶.̶ ̶P̶u̶m̶p̶k̶i̶n̶s̶, Satan’s princess?
This guy memes. Any time I have some stupid idea for a draft, he’s the first person to say “fuck it dude, let’s do it.” He was kind of the opposite of Flocka in that sense. The voice of reason vs the voice of insanity. Happy to play any hero that gets drafted for him (even if it’s his 6th silencer game in 4 weeks).