Real blog this time
I’m just gonna do a quickie here about any results that may have surprised me. Sorry if your team didn’t get mentioned, it just means that you performed as expected.
Choco vs Cerys
Honestly I expected this to be a 2–0 for Cerys, but somehow they managed to lose one. Last picking medusa into a drow strat is a very questionable decision imo considering the game should be over before medusa comes online. Maybe they thought the ursa would create enough space early game to stall, but it just didn’t happen.
Bubbles vs Crypt1c
I predicted this to be a 2–0 and many predicted it to be 1–1, with Clare actually saying we would get 2–0ed. I’m not that surprised here, but we proved Clare wrong. I almost lost us game 1 because I didn’t respect Pocket TA.
Kyrix vs Inno
I was expecting Inno to 2–0 Kyrix, so either Inno is not as strong as I had thought or Kyrix is much stronger than I had thought. Inno picked morphling into an underlord and lost (big surprise). Turns out a hero that relies on having 300 agility to kill people is significantly weaker when you reduce their base damage by 40%. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯