Team Feral Player Review
So as most of you know already, Feral disbanded earlier this week. As an LD2L veteran and with this being my third season in RD2L, I figured I’d provide my own player rankings blog this time around. As a connoisseur of all things cognac, I’ll be using that as my rating system for players. (don’t worry you’ll still get a 1–10 too).
Let’s start with our captain, Jotatoe:
Joe was enjoyable to play with. He remained calm even while the team was struggling, and was always willing to answer any questions I had for him. This was the sort of feedback I was looking for as one of the lower rated players in the league. Unfortunately his hero puddle (1100 visage games) caused quite an issue considering it was banned every game and he was forced to play outside of his comfort zone. I think if he were to play next season, he should be adjusted down a bit simply because you can expect no one to ever allow him to play his signature hero. The one bit of advice I would like to leave Joe with is that he needs to be more assertive as a captain. There are a lot of times where he would make calls and then go back on it and just overall seem pretty indecisive. Imo a good captain should be confident in their calls and the team should have confidence in them as well. I’d rate Joe at Remy Martin tier, my go-to cognac less than $60.
For the rest of the players I’ll just go through the positions 1–5.
Next up… Huntington:
Huntington was usually the person I laned with the most, and more often than not I feel like we won our lane. He seems to be above his current rating, and he has been improving quickly. I’ve pubbed with him a bit outside of the league as well, and supporting him is always enjoyable. His biggest weakness is that sometimes he can become stubborn and confrontational (although the few times I’ve seen this behavior I don’t believe he was the one who was wrong). Sometimes he gets frustrated if the game doesn’t seem to play out the way he wants it to, but not to the point that it really affects his gameplay. Huntington is a top tier cognac, Martell Cordon Bleu.
Third up, we have Vuvuzela Virtuoso Vinaigrette Vampire… or whatever:
This guy’s name is a bit strange, but he is the player I’ve enjoyed playing with the most this season. He’s 100% PMA and has an attitude that can help the team rally for a comeback after a bad team fight. On top of that, he was the only other person in the team who would consistently spam chat wheel laughs with me, so that was enjoyable as well. If you’re not playing DOTA with random maniacal laughs from heroes like necro and slardar, you’re not playing Vuvu DOTA. Vuvu is Cordon Argent tier, a bottle from the 1960’s that I had the pleasure of inheriting from an old boss.
Fitz Blitz:
Fitz was our 4 player who some of the team may describe as volatile. She suffers from the same issue as Joe, where the only hero she really plays in league is skywrath. I didn’t have any issues with her personally, but I know the rest of the team had all butted heads with her at some point. She’s very stubborn and can be toxic. When multiple people disagree with her she tends to just want to drop it and move on. I think she could get to mid ancient just by listening to some players who are better than her rather than getting defensive and arguing with them. She’s the hennessy of RD2L.
Last but not least, we have Krenn:
It’s going to be hard for me to rate Krenn because usually he and I were swapping out each game, so we really only got to play one league game together. We did, however pub a bit outside of league and he has always struck me as a player who seems to be pretty agreeable. He takes constructive criticism well and seems like a good support player to have on the team. For this, he gets a Courvosier XO rating.
That’s all until next season. Later nerds!