Top 10 things that are good

1 min readDec 21, 2019


I’m bored and no one will stack with me so I’m writing a pointless blog that isn’t really relevant to anything. Feast your eyes on “Things that are good.” A quality blog from Crypt1c.

  1. Macaroni and cheese

There are a lot of different types of macaroni and cheese, and I’ve never had one that made me think “man this mac n cheese sucks”. Definitely deserves to be #1 on the list.

2. Hip hop

Atmosphere, brother ali, sage francis, mos def, celph titled and more. Good music. If you disagree go fuck yourself.

3. Literally anything that isn’t scrub

crub trash.

4. The peanut brittle I made an hour ago

I’ve never made this before but damn this shit is good. No you can’t have any.

5. Lesbian porn

I shouldn’t have to explain this one.

6. Boondock saints (the original one, not that piece of shit 2nd one they did)

2nd one sucks.

7. Ryan Reynolds

Ryan Reynolds.

8. WoW Classic

Despite Blizzard’s best effort to fuck up their game, not even activision’s top executives can completely fuck up classic.

9. Treebread

First pick material.

10. Pineapple on pizza

If you don’t like pineapple pizza it’s either because you think you’re too cool for it or because you’re a psychopath (the kind that cuts the tails off of cats)




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