Top games of various genres

2 min readSep 12, 2018


I’m bored so I figured I’d share my top 10 games. Here we go…

10. Rock band/Guitar hero

I know someone is going to make a smartass comment about this one. I personally really enjoyed guitar hero and rock band and was quite good at them.

9. Halo 2

Halo 2 was ahead of its time. I remember countless LAN parties staying up all night drinking mountain dew and playing halo. The numerous glitches were fun too.

8. Burnout 3

Aggressive racing is fun, the only thing missing is weaponry (see #4). The soundtrack is pure gold for this one.

7. Conker’s bad fur day

If you haven’t played this one you’re missing out. There’s nothing quite like playing as a squirrel in what looks like a kids game, loaded with raunchy humor.

6. WoW (pre cataclysm)

WoW used to be fun. Like Halo it was ahead of its time for the genre. Unfortunately Blizzard butchered it with Cataclysm.

5. TimeSplitters

I’m surprised that more people aren’t familiar with the timesplitters franchise. It was a first person shooter with a map editor built in. The best part was that you could play as ridiculous characters like a gingerbread man, ninja monkey or a sock puppet.

4. Twisted Metal

Small brawl and black were definitely the best, but all the twisted metal games are good. They pretty much monopolized the “fighting cars” genre.

3. Castlevania: SOTN

Holy shit this game is good. Tons of unique items, and tons of other content. The level design is great, boss design is great and graphics are great too. There are alternate endings so the first time you think you’ve beaten the game you’re really only half way through.


I don’t think I really need to explain this one.

  1. Super Smash bros

Everyone knows what super smash bros is. If you don’t, just gtfo. I haven’t played the others, but I put countless hours into SSB melee. I bought a gamecube at 10 years old specifically for this game. $100 is a lot for a 10 year old.




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